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Beaverton Schools

Contact Us

Jacob Wismer Elementary

5477 NW Skycrest Parkway

Portland, OR 97229


503.356.2150 (office)

503.356.2150, ext 1 (absence reporting)

503.356.2155 (fax)



Please do not leave attendance messages.   Use either:

*  Attendance line - 503.356.2150 ext. 1 for      English, then 1 for attendance line.

* ParentVue

Due to the ever increasing issue of cyber-attacks we are no longer listing staff or teacher emails on our website. Please use your ParentVue or StudentVue account to contact teachers. For general information or inquiries you may call us or use the Contact Us button above.


For Enrollment questions or help, please contact our office or Lei Yuan at: 503 356 2150

Office Staff

Vicki Traller - Office Assistant IV

Lei Yuan - Registrar/Office Assistant II