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Beaverton Schools

Eagle Run Fundraiser

Friday, October 6th **

Rain Date:  Monday, October 9th

Why is Eagle Run important to Jacob Wismer?


Eagle Run is the sole provider of funds that our school needs to support vital PTO programs that directly benefit our kids. 100% of the funds raised are invested into enhancing the educational experience of our students through PTO funded initiatives that include:


Author Visits

Art Literacy

School Safety Equipment

Scholarship Programs

Engineering & Science Programs

Economics through Jr. Achievement

One School One Book

Music Program Materials

PE & Recess Equipment

Technology Tools & Materials

General Classroom & School Support

Passport Club

Reader Board for Parent Communication

Chrome Books

…and so much more!

How Do I Register My Student(s) and Raise Funds?


Parents/Caregivers are asked to register their students online using PledgeStar. It is our easy-to-use web-based fundraising system that makes it simple to request pledges from family and friends at home and around the world. Anyone can make secure online donations using a credit card and all contributions are tax-deductible under IRS Code 501 (c) (3) to the extent permitted by law. PledgeStar will track each students’ progress, notify you when a pledge is made, and allow Eagle Run volunteers to share classroom and school-wide progress.


Here's How to Register and Use Our Online Fundraising Tools:

ü  Go to –


ü  Enter your name and email (Please enter YOUR information here, not your students)

ü  Click “Submit” 

ü  Follow the instructions on-screen to register student(s)


How Can I Double My Donations?


Corporate Matching Programs are a great way to double your donations and further help us reach our goal. Many companies provide matching funds and/or volunteer hours for direct donations of time or money to the Jacob Wismer PTO. Before making your donation, please check with your Human Resources Department to see if your company will match your contribution!



1.     Before making a personal donation, or a corporate match, please register you student(s) in Donations received cannot be credited to students fundraising progress until the student is registered.

2.     When choosing the charitable organization on your employer’s site to request your donation be matched, please look at the entire name of the organization.  Often, donors are quick to choose the option “Jacob Wismer Elementary School” instead of “Jacob Wismer Parent Teacher Organization” or “Jacob Wismer PTO”.  Although our school will still receive the funds, they will NOT be directed to PTO programs.

3.     As soon as you receive a receipt/confirmation of your corporate match donation, please forward the receipt/confirmation to the Eagle Run team at Upon receipt, the donation and its match will be entered into PledgeStar and will be reflected in your students’ fundraising efforts.


Intel Employees: and search for PTO Jacob Wismer


Nike Employees: and search for PTO Jacob Wismer


Columbia Employees:
Employees must submit a copy of the official receipt of their personal donation to for corporate matching consideration. Please maintain the original receipt for your personal tax records. CSC will match these donations twice annually (June and December).


Register your student and donate today at:



Questions? Contact Us Today at:





Jacob Wismer Eagle Run 2022/23