School Handbook
- Absences & Tardies
- Arrival & Dismissal
- Attendance
- Allergies
- Animals
- Behavior Expectations
- Bicycles
- Birthdays
- Bus Transportation
- Cell Phones
- Conferences
- Counselor
- Crossing Guards/Walking to School
- Daycare Providers
- Dress
- English Language Development
- Facility Rental/Facility Use
- Field Trips
- Gifts to Staff
- Gum
- Health
- Homework
- Inclement Weather
- Insurance
- Library & Technology
- Lost & Found
- Lunch Times & Information
- Medical & Dental Appointments
- Medications
- Music
- Newsletters
- Nurse
- Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Parking Lot Procedures
- Parties
- Physical Education (PE)
- Picking Up a Child Early
- Playground
- Report Cards
- Safety (Standard Response Protocol)
- Smoke-Free Environment
- Special Education Services
- Specials
- Student Visitors (non-Jacob Wismer students)
- Talented and Gifted Program (TAG)
- Toys from Home
- Tutoring
- Valuables at School
- Vandalism
- Volunteering
- Volunteer Background Checks
- Weapons and Look-Alike Weapons
- Withdrawing from School
Absences & Tardies
Reporting an Absence or Late Arrival.
All absences must be reported before school begins if possible. Report your student absence in one of the following ways.
ParentVue - Log onto your account - before 8:30am. OR
Attendance line at 503-356-2150 - press 1 for English, 1 for attendance line.
- Child’s name, spell the last name
- Child’s teacher, grade & student ID #.
- Reason for the absence/late arrival
- Number of days he/she will be absent (if known)
Attendance Guidelines
Excused absences include:
- Illness
- Medical appointments
- Bereavement or serious illness in the family
- Inclement weather
- Religious instruction or holiday
- Emergencies
Unexcused Absences include:
- Travel or vacation
- Unreported absences
Auto-Dialer for Unexcused Absences
Jacob Wismer School utilizes the Beaverton School District’s SchoolMessenger Auto-Dialer for attendance notification.
Attendance notification, through BSD’s automated dialer system, is made for any student who has an unexcused absence for that day. If your child’s absence is not reported, the system will call the primary phone number AND send an email to the parent.
Absences Due to Family Trips or Vacations will Result in Unexcused Absences
Trips longer that 10 school days.
- Your student will have to be withdrawn from school.
- Come into our office to fill out the withdrawn form before you leave.
- Upon return, please come back into our office to re-enroll your student.
Most learning in elementary school occurs in the classroom through activities that can’t be duplicated at home so we highly discourage families from taking vacations when school is in session. Please note that students absences due to vacations or family trips will be marked as unexcused.
Note: State of Oregon requirements and Beaverton School District policy require that children who are absent for more than 10 consecutive school days be automatically withdrawn and parents must re-enroll upon returning to school. Parents are responsible for a child’s education during an extended absence.
Make-Up Work for Absences
When a student is absent from school due to an illness, it is the responsibility of that student to see that the work missed is made up.
Classes begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. Children are to be in their classrooms at that time. . Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. must check in at the office. Late arrivals due to bus delays are not considered tardies. All tardies will be documented on each trimester report card.
Arrival & Dismissal
Because there is no supervision prior to 8:20 a.m., parents will be notified if their child arrives early and advised to keep their child home until the appropriate arrival time.
Students who arrive between 8:15-8:20 a.m., are to line up quietly at the main entrance, southeast door, or recess doors. At 8:20 a.m., a “first bell” will ring and students will be able to enter their classrooms and put away their personal belongings, get ready for the school day, read a book and/or complete an independent activity that their teacher may have prepared. The time between 8:20-8:30 a.m. is not instruction time. At 8:30 a.m., the tardy bell will ring and class will officially begin. Students who arrive after 8:30 a.m., will need to get a tardy slip in the school office prior to going to their classroom.
Kindergarten & 1st Grade Students
Kindergarten students who ride the school bus will enter through the front door. Students will be guided to their classroom by school staff.
Kindergarten students who are dropped off in the upper parking lot will also enter through the front door and will be assisted by school staff.
Parents may escort their students to their classroom by using the classroom’s individual outside entrance adjacent to the playground. For security, parents may not enter the classrooms or school with being a scheduled volunteer.
2nd & 3rd Grade Students
Second and third grade students should enter through the main school entrance and proceed down the hallway to their classrooms.
4th & 5th Grade Students
Fourth and fifth grade students should enter through the door located on the southeast side of the building by the flower beds and bike rack.
Dismissal Plans
Parent/Guardian Pick-Up
The last few minutes of the day are an extremely busy and demanding time for teachers as they organize their students to go home. Teachers should not be distracted while monitoring dismissal so please do not engage in a discussion with them at this time but rather schedule an appointment that is convenient for both of you. Students who are picked up by a parent/guardian are dismissed when the bell rings at 3:05 p.m.
Students who need to be picked up early for medical or dental appointments are to be signed out at the office and office staff will call down to the classroom to release the student. The student will come to the office to meet their parent/guardian. Parents/guardians are not to go to the classrooms.
Students cannot be released early on a regular basis to attend extra-curricular activities such as piano lessons, swimming practice, etc.
In order for students to take advantage of the educational opportunities that are offered, it is necessary that they be in school every day. It is not appropriate for a student to miss school for reasons such as vacations, oversleeping, missing the bus, baby-sitting, etc. All absences will be recorded on report cards and permanent records. All children between the ages of 6 and 18 years who have not completed the twelfth grade are required to attend, regularly and full-time, the appropriate public school within their attendance area, as provided under ORS 339.010. Students who are absent for 10 or more consecutive school days will be withdrawn from the Beaverton School District and must re-enroll when they return.
Regular school attendance is extremely important. Your child should be in school, on time, every day, all day, unless there is an illness or family emergency. However, if your child is ill, it is better to have the student remain at home until full recovery is made. Be sure to contact our 24 hr. attendance line at 503-356-2150 ext #1.
Or they can be recorded on ParentVue before 8:30am
--Also see “Absences”
Please contact our school nurse, Hunter Rudd, as well as your child’s teacher if he or she has severe allergies. A health management plan will be completed and all appropriate staff alerted. At the parent’s request, students with nut allergies can sit at our nut-free table at lunch. They may invite one friend (with a nut-free lunch) to sit with them.
Hunter Rudd's email address is
For student safety and in accordance with Beaverton School District policy, dogs (with the exception of service dogs) and other pets cannot be on the school premises, including outdoor school grounds, while students are arriving, departing or when school is in session. The reaction people and dogs have with each other is unpredictable. Many children are fearful and/or allergic to animals.
Behavior Expectations
Arrival & Dismissal Expectations
- Once at school, stay at school.
- Do not arrive before 8:15 a.m.
- Walk bikes on the school grounds; wear a helmet.
- Wait in approved areas.
- Enter and exit vehicles on the passenger side in approved pick up & drop off areas.
- Always be aware of traffic.
- Use indoor voices.
- Greet others politely.
- Use kind words and actions.
- Walk in hallways (don’t walk fast, run or skip).
- Go directly to designated areas to wait.
- Get to school on time.
- Go directly to after-school destination will all of your belongings.
- Written permission is required if you wish to change your transportation plan.
- Follow adult directions.
Assembly Expectations
- Keep hands, feet and objects to self.
- Ask permission to leave the area.
- Wait for dismissal directions.
- Sit flat on the floor (criss cross applesauce style)
- Listen and pay attention to the presenter/performers.
- Use good audience manners.
- Enter and exit quietly and calmly.
- Be seated and stay seated.
- Go to assigned area.
- Follow adult directions.
Bathroom Expectations
- Keep the floor dry.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Use paper towels to dry your hands.
- Keep your feet on the floor.
- Flush.
- Give others privacy.
- Use indoor voices.
- Take turns.
- Flush.
- Leave the bathroom clean.
- Return promptly to class.
- Report problems to an adult.
- Use facilities (toilet & sink) appropriately.
- Flush.
Cafeteria Expectations
- Walk at all times.
- Stay seated facing the table, feet under the table.
- Carry trays with both hands.
- Use finger signals to communicate with duty staff:
- 1 finger “Can I go to the bathroom?”
- 2 fingers “Can I get something from the condiment bar?”
- 3 fingers “Can you come over to me?”
- Use indoor voices.
- Eat only your own food and do not share with others.
- Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Use good manners and polite words such as “please” and “thank you.”
- Get everything you need before you sit down.
- Follow adult directions.
- Report spills.
- Consume food and drinks in the cafeteria only.
- Follow hot lunch food choice guidelines.
- Dispose of garbage and recycle properly.
- Take only what you can eat.
- Check and clean your area before you leave the table.
Emergency Situations Expectations
- Report incident to the first available adult.
- Remain silent and listen for directions.
- Remain calm.
- Look to an adult for directions.
- Stay away from body fluids.
- Be thoughtful and supportive of others in emergency situations.
- Use kind words.
- Set a good example for others.
- Follow adult directions.
Hallway Expectations
- Walk.
- Face forward and watch where you are walking.
- Keep your feet on the floor.
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Keep up and remain with your class.
- Respect teaching and learning spaces.
- Respect hall displays and others’ belongings.
- Share the hallway.
- Walk directly to your destination.
- Talk only when necessary.
- Use indoor voices.
Recess Expectations
- Walk on the paved areas.
- Stay within the play/activity boundaries.
- Get permission from duty staff before leaving play area.
- Report accidents or injuries to duty staff.
- Play safely.
- Follow adult directions.
- Include everyone.
- Be a good sport. Play fair.
- Use kind words.
- Share and take turns.
- Be respectful of games and activities around you.
- Use problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts.
- Leave nature where it belongs.
- Follow game and equipment rules.
- Use equipment appropriately.
- Return equipment when finished.
- When bell sounds or whistle blows, return equipment to rack and line up immediately.
Stairs Expectations
- Always walk single file on the right (maximum two classes on the stairs at any time).
- Keep feet on the floor.
- Use handrails appropriately.
- Travel one step at a time.
- Use quiet feet and voices.
- Keep hands, feet and objects to self.
- Honor personal space (do not touch others)
- Walk directly to your destination.
- Talk only when necessary.
- Use indoor voices.
Students who ride their bikes to school must get off their bikes as soon as they enter school property and walk their bikes to the bike rack. Doing so helps with the safety of pedestrians. There should be no riding of bikes in the school driveways and parking lots.
Bike Racks
Jacob Wismer has bike racks in the front of the school and at the foot of the stairs near the east end of the lower Jacob Wismer playing field. Students should lock their bikes in the rack and then enter through the nearest entry door. The school is not responsible for the theft or damage of bicycles kept at school.
Birthday Food Treats
Please do not bring food treats such as cookies, cupcakes or donuts to school on your child’s birthday so that we can limit our students’ consumption of fat and sugar (see below). An optional way to recognize your child’s birthday would be to provide non-food items such as pencils, stickers or other trinkets. Please make arrangements with your child’s teacher prior to bringing anything to school for a celebration.
Rationale and Health Concerns
Teachers and a number of parents have expressed concerns about the amount of sugar and fat students are consuming at school as a result of individual birthday celebrations. Parents have little knowledge or control of what their child consumes during the day when food treats are brought in for birthday celebrations. Health experts are urging parents and schools to limit sugars and fats to decrease the growing incidents of diabetes, obesity and the early onset of heart conditions in children. All of these health problems have been linked to excess sugars and fats. In light of these negative health trends, it is in all our children’s best interest to not allow the consumption of donuts, cupcakes, and cookies on a regular basis at school. We appreciate your cooperation and support of this policy.
No Flower, Edible Displays and Balloon Deliveries
Flower deliveries and edible displays will not be accepted for individual students due to the classroom disruption that will result. In addition balloons are not allowed at school. Latex balloons may result in allergy problems; mylar balloons set off our security system if left overnight. Balloons are not allowed on buses because they present a safety concern.
School Recognition of Birthdays
Individual teachers will recognize student birthdays in different ways. Please contact your child’s teacher for more information. All students will receive a school birthday pencil from their teacher.
Personal Party Invitations
Personal party invitations are not to be distributed at school as feelings are often hurt, and classroom instruction is interrupted by these activities.
Birthday Books
Birthday books are presented to the students whose parents chose to buy them for the library.
The honored student is the first one to check out this new library book. For more information, please contact our school librarian, Tina Oki Le.
Bus Transportation
School bus transportation is provided to Jacob Wismer students except to those who live within the Non-Transported Zones. Schedules and routes are available in the school office. The westside driveway in front of the building is a “BUS ONLY” zone from 8:00-8:30 a.m. and 2:45- 3:15 p.m. (M, T, Th, F) and 1:15-1:45 p.m. (Wednesdays), however, if there are no buses in the lane cars will be allowed to pass through if the upper parking lot is congested.
The curb area in front of the school is off limits for parking during pickup and drop-off times, and parents must remain in cars while waiting for students.
Students must bring a note from a parent or guardian if they are to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. If a student does not bring a note, he/she will not be able to ride a different bus or get off/on at a different stop. Notes of this nature should be given to classroom teachers who will sign them and then have students give them to their bus drivers. Please call the District Transportation Office at 503-356-4200 if you have questions or visit our Transporation webpage.
Bus Stops
Students riding the school bus must arrive at the bus stop on time. Children will line up for the bus in the order they arrive. There are no “cuts” or privileges because of age, size, or gender. Students will load and unload the bus in a safe and orderly fashion. Students should arrive approximately five minutes before the scheduled time their bus is to arrive. Problems often occur when students arrive too early for the bus and have too much unsupervised time.
Bus Rules
- Students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver.
- Fighting, wrestling or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus.
- Students shall use the emergency door only in case of emergency.
- Students shall be on time for the bus both morning and afternoon.
- Students shall not eat on the bus.
- Students shall not bring animals, firearms, weapons, or other potentially hazardous materials on the bus.
- Students shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Students may be assigned seats by the bus driver.
- When necessary to cross the road, students shall cross in front of the bus, or as instructed by the clear signal of the bus driver. It is extremely important that students wait for the signal.
- Students shall not extend their hands, arms or heads through the bus windows.
- Students shall have written permission to leave the bus at a stop other than their regular stop.
- Students shall converse in normal tones; loud or vulgar language is prohibited.
- Students shall not open or close windows without the permission of the bus driver.
- Students shall keep the bus clean and must refrain from damaging it.
- Students shall be courteous to the driver, fellow students and passersby.
- Students shall keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
- Students will select a seat quickly and remain seated as all times. Students must be willing to share a seat with at least one or two other students.
- Students who refuse to obey promptly the directions of the bus driver, or refuse to obey regulations may forfeit their privilege to ride the school bus.
Consequences for Not Following Bus Rules
Students violating bus rules will initially receive a verbal warning and/or a possible written pre-citation warning. Further problems may result in a written bus citation. A student who receives a bus citation must have it signed by both the school principal and the parents. Consequences of the citation will be determined by the principal. It is possible to lose bus riding privileges if problems persist.
Cell Phones
Students may bring cell phones to school for safety reasons, however, the cell phones must remain off, in their backpacks and used only for emergencies or to contact their parents before/after school if necessary. Cell phones will be stored in the office for students who text or call without permission from staff.
Parent-Teacher conferences are held in the fall and spring. The dates will be on our school calendar.
Conferences that require an interpreter will be scheduled for parents since we have a limited number of district interpreters available. These conferences are scheduled to maximize the interpreter’s time. Parents who need interpreters will be notified when their conferences are scheduled.
Please note that:
- Students do not attend school on conference days.
- Please remember that teachers have blocked out conference days to meet with parents. Please do not schedule vacations during conference days so teachers will not have to use their plan time to reschedule conferences.
- Younger siblings should not attend conferences with parents.
Our counselor, Margaret (Maggie) Patterson works with students, staff and parents to address student emotional and social needs. The counselor will make whole class presentations to promote proactive social development. The school counselor also works with students individually as well as in groups to build a positive climate and school spirit. Parents are welcome to contact the counselor with any issues related to their child’s academic, social and emotional development.
Crossing Guards/Walking to School
A crossing guard will be posted at each of the following intersections before school from 8:00-8:30 a.m. and after school from 3:00-3:20 p.m.:
- Skycrest Parkway and Crady Lane
- Wendy Lane and Crady Lane
- Laidlaw and Kaiser
Drivers who consistently fail to slow down in school zones can now be reported directly to the Washington Co. Sheriff’s Office at:
Walking To and From School
The school discourages students from walking to and from school if they have bus transportation available to them. Only students who live within the designated walking areas should walk to and from school. For safety, students should walk only at times when the crossing guard is on duty.
Daycare Providers
A list of child care providers in the area is available at the community information center in the hallway outside the school office.
Neither Jacob Wismer School nor the Beaverton School District endorses any of these services. On the list are several daycare providers in our area that furnish van transportation to and from school.
Although there is no formal dress code at Jacob Wismer, students are encouraged to practice good grooming. We believe that appropriate dress and good grooming foster poise, self-assurance and good behavior. Halter tops, tank tops with thin straps, running shorts, short shorts and half-shirts, for example, are not considered appropriate for classroom dress. Tank tops with wide “lasagna size” straps and sleeveless shirts are appropriate. Appropriate length of shorts is determined by having the students put their arms straight down by their side. If the shorts are longer than the tips of the student’s finger, the length is appropriate.
Flip-flops, Crocs and open-back/toe shoes (ex. sandals) are strongly discouraged. These types of shoes are not allowed for P.E. and are an unsafe choice for most recess activities. In addition, they are unstable and frequently break and can cause foot injuries and leave a student shoeless.
We ask that parents also look at the appropriateness of words/symbols/pictures imprinted on clothing before allowing children to wear them to school.
Outer clothing should be marked for easy identification (e.g., jackets, sweaters, etc.). Our lost and found is usually overflowing with unmarked clothing. Items not marked with student names are donated to the District Clothes Closet three times per year. The school is not responsible for lost clothing items.
Hats and hoods may only be worn while the student is outside. Students are not allowed to borrow hats from each other due to the possible spread of head lice.
Sunglasses and gloves cannot be worn indoors unless for medical purposes and requires the principal’s approval.
English Language Development
Children who are new to the English language are given English instruction and exposure to the American culture. Oregon state law and District regulations require that any student living in a home in which a second language is spoken be evaluated by our BSD Multilingual Department. Eligibility is determined by the District’s ELD Intake Center.
Beginning in 2018-19, our ELD students will be receiving ELD services in their classrooms and will not be pulled out of class (with the exception of newcomers). Classroom teachers will be collaborating with our ELD teachers to assist students with English while they are working on content that is being taught in their classrooms.
Facility Rental/Facility Use
Beaverton School District facilities are available for use by community groups. Applicants must go through the Beaverton School District office to reserve space during non-school hours. Individual school are no longer processing the applications. The District is now charging set fees for some groups to use our facilities. Additional charges may include a building monitor if our custodians are not working.
If you would like more information on application procedures, please visit the Facility Use webpage.
Field Trips
Teachers plan valuable learning experiences which take place outside of the classroom for their students. Specific educational objectives are formulated before the trip and follow-up activities take place upon return. Grade level teachers determine the field trip destinations and all classes in the grade level participate.
In the past few years, field trips have been paid for by a combination of funds provided by parents, the PTO, grants, and the school district. Teachers are assisted on field trips by volunteer parents who have cleared a background check. There are often a limited number of volunteers who can accompany classes on field trips. Please check with your child's teacher if you are interested in volunteering.
Transportation is by school bus. Because of District insurance policies, we cannot include other children (e.g. siblings) on school buses for a field trip.
Permission slips for students to participate on a field trip will be sent home by the classroom teacher. If the form is not signed or if a parent does not want their child to go on the field trip, arrangements will be made for the student to do an activity in another classroom.
Gifts to Staff
Student Illnesses or Accidents While at School
When a student becomes ill or hurt at school, every effort is made to contact the parents or guardians or person designated by the parent/guardian. It is of utmost importance that you notify the office of any changes to your emergency numbers in case we need to contact you.
If it is difficult to reach you at an office location, sometimes a pager or cell phone number is helpful.
The office calls home for any serious injuries (e.g., head injuries, back injuries) or illnesses as a matter of routine. When in doubt, the school will call and ask the parent to make a decision as to whether a child should remain in school, go home, and/or receive medical attention. If your child is ill with a communicable disease, please let the office know as soon as possible.
Communicable diseases include, but are not limited to, chicken pox, fifth disease, and shingles.
Restricted Activities Due to Illness or Injury
Parents should make requests for children to stay indoors during recess periods only if absolutely necessary. If a child is unable to go to recess, he or she will be excused from PE as well.
A doctor’s note will be required if the duration is longer than one week or two PE class periods.
We know that this may be a concern for you, but it can also become an unmanageable situation for us. The problem is one of supervision and legal liability when teachers are on duty elsewhere or at lunch. The various combination of circumstances are too numerous to include here, but we ask that you:
- Consider carefully if the child is well enough to be in school. S/he should be able to go outside in warm clothing for short periods of time.
- Send a note each day, rather than one for several days, unless it is a chronic illness.
Immunization Requirements
Oregon law requires the following shots for students entering an Oregon school for the first time. Doses required varies by a child’s age and how long ago they were vaccinated. Please contact your child’s physician or the Washington County Health Department at 503-693-4416 if you have questions. It is recommended that immunizations be completed prior to starting school.
- 5 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP)
- 4 Polio
- 1 Varicella (chickenpox)
- 2 Measles
- 1 Mumps
- 1 Rubella
- 3 Hepatitis B
- 2 Hepatitis A
All students must be up to date with immunizations before State Exclusion Day which is the third Wednesday in February each year.
Medications: Prescription and Over-the-Counter
- Parents with children who need to take medication during the school day must bring the medication to the school office in its original container.
- Children may NOT transport medication to or from school. Parents/guardians must transport prescription or over-the- counter medicines.
- Pharmacists can provide two containers for medication, one for home and one for school. The label on the container must state the student’s name, the dosage, time, prescription number and the physician’s name.
- Over-the- counter drugs, such as aspirin, cough drops or cough medicine will be treated the same as a prescription drug. These types of medications must be in the original container but do not need a prescription number or physician’s name.
- A MEDICATION RECORD AND AUTHORIZATION FORM must be completed by parents in the school office before any prescription or over the counter medication can be dispensed. This includes commonly used medications such as aspirin, cough syrup, cough drops and throat lozenges.
- Emergency medications such as an EpiPen must be accompanied by your doctor’s written directions for use.
Too Sick for School
The question of when a child is too sick to attend school is not always as easy to answer as it seems. Often parents need to make a decision whether to send their child to school and see if they feel better, or keep them home and have them rest. Below are some guidelines provided by the Communicable Disease Division of the Washington County Department of Health and Human Services. They were developed to help prevent the spread of potentially contagious diseases. We appreciate everyone’s help in stopping the spread of illnesses to staff and students.
Keep your child at home if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- Fever: greater than 100 F: may return 24 hrs. after student is fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicine.
- Vomitting: 2 or more times in the preceding 24 hrs., unless determined to be from noncommunicable conditions: may return when resolved.
- Diarrhea: 3 or more watery or loose stools in 24 hrs; may return when resolved for 24 hrs.
- Stiff Neck: or headache with accompanying fever: may return after resolution of symptoms or diagnosis made and clearance given.
- Rash: any new onset of rash: may return after rash resolves or diagnosis is made and clearance given.
- Jaundice: yellowing of eyes or skin: may return after diagnosis is made and clearance given.
- Eye Discharge: thick mucus/pus draining from the eyes or bloodshot eyes: may return after diagnosis is made and clearance given.
- Head Lice: head lice present: students will only be readmitted after re-assessment confirms there are no live lice present.
If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, please notify the school as soon as possible. Some student have medical conditions that require special care if they are exposed to certain illnesses. Home is the best place for a child who is ill. If your child is sick and will be missing school, please call the attendance line, 503-356-2151, to report the absence. the student from active participation in usual school activities.
Questions? Please contact our school nurse, Joni Busche at
Vision & Hearing Screening
During the year, with the help of many parent volunteers, vision screening and hearing screening is completed for students at selected grade levels. Students who have teacher and parent referral requests will also be tested.
Students who are absent on the day of screening will be tested by a District nurse on another date.
We believe that elementary school students should devote some out of school time to their studies in order to attain their fullest potential. It is important that students complete homework on time and that they develop good study habits. If a student doesn’t have homework, we encourage parents to have students read aloud to an adult or to themselves during their home study time.
Parent/guardians are asked to please help their children complete assignments by providing a quiet place to study and consistent nightly study time. Teachers at Jacob Wismer strive to provide meaningful and reasonable assignments. Homework policies are different at each grade level and are based on current educational research. Homework is assigned to Jacob Wismer students for the following reasons:
- to complete work started in class.
- to expand and/or enrich regular class work.
- to build interest in reading or learning.
- to give additional practice and application to strengthen learning.
- to make up work missed due to absence.
- to develop responsibility and study skills.
Homework Guidelines
In general, student in grades 1-3 may have 15 to 30 minutes per night; students in grades 4-5 may have 30 to 60 minutes per night. Some students may spend more time due to special projects, not using their time well in class, or striving for excellence. Parents and teachers need to work together to help each student be successful in their homework assignments. The specific policy for each grade level will be explained by classroom teachers at Back-to- School Night.
Homework Requests
Parents/guardians may make requests for homework assignments if their child will be unable to attend school due to illness or injury. Please keep in mind that homework requests require the special attention of the teacher.
Note: Teachers will not be able to prepare special homework packets for students who go on family trips or vacations.
Inclement Weather
Delayed School Opening or School Closure (e.g., Snow Day)
On occasion, weather conditions may permit schools to operate, but require the opening to be delayed. On a delayed school day schedule, Jacob Wismer will open two hours late at 10:30 a.m. with buses operating two hours late (Jacob Wismer buses do not have snow routes and will drive their regular routes). Announcement of a delayed school opening or school closure will be made between 6:00 and 7:30 a.m. on local radio and TV stations as well as on the Beaverton School District website. Families may also sign up for BSD text notifications by doing the following:
Step 1: Your cell phone number must be on file at your child’s school.
Step 2: Text “YES” to 67587
Emergency Closure During the School Day
Parents should emphasize to their children where they should go in case school must be closed during the day. It is impossible to notify each parent by phone, so previous instructions from parents can help reduce student anxiety in emergency situations. At the beginning of each school year, parents will be asked to complete an emergency school closure family plan on their enrollment verification form. Please keep us advised if your plan changes.
Classroom teachers will keep the plan on file and will follow it should school close early.
Library & Technology
Jacob Wismer is fortunate to have a library/media center that is rich in both print and electronic materials. We are currently building our collection of books, book and CD combinations, videos, magazines (student-centered, professional, and parenting) and various computer software programs, for check-out and instructional purposes. The goal of gathering such a collection in a school library is to enrich and support the school curricula, thereby enriching and supporting the teaching and learning experiences of our students, staff and parents.
Our library media assistant sees our students on a regular weekly basis for library media instruction and check-out time. Library media curriculum is carefully structured around grade level curriculum and rooted in literacy standards. In addition, as part of the media rotation, students will be instructed in computer technology skills.
Books, tapes and CDs can be checked out for two weeks. Magazines and videos have a check-out time of one week. All materials can be renewed as many times as desired as long as a hold has not been placed on the material(s) by another user. We want our students to have new reading material as often as possible; this is a crucial part of fostering literacy. Students are, therefore, encouraged to turn in their materials as soon as they are finished so that they can check out new materials to enjoy. They do not need to wait until their regularly scheduled library time to do this.
While this is subject to change, we will start the school year allowing kindergartners and 1st graders to check out one “free choice” book/material at a time; grades 2 - 5 will be able to check out two “free choice” books/materials at a time. Students can check out as many materials as deemed necessary by both student and teacher for projects (this is also regulated by the library media specialist based on the research taking place across grade levels that may overlap).
Our media center is a place of learning and fun. We want all users to take advantage of the wide variety of resources we are fortunate to have. We welcome comments and suggestions on how we can best serve you, and look forward to your continued support through your interest in your child’s use of the library, your own use of the library, patronage of and attendance at special programs. We always, always welcome volunteers.
Computer Technology Rotation Special
Every five days, students will have the opportunity to attend a combined library/media specials rotation.
Lost & Found
The school has a LOST AND FOUND shelf located on the lower level at the bottom of the stairs leading to the cafeteria. Encourage your child to report lost articles to the teacher immediately and to check the Lost and Found. Name tags and other forms of identification are helpful in returning lost items, particularly for backpacks, coats and lunch pails. It is especially important that Jacob Wismer sweatshirts and t-shirts be labeled.
Encourage your child to check the LOST AND FOUND frequently. Small items, jewelry, money and eyeglasses are turned into the school office. All unclaimed items will be donated to the Beaverton Clothes Closet at the end of each trimester prior to winter, spring and summer breaks.
Lunch Times & Information
Lunch Policy
New Security Lunch Policy
We're very sorry, however, due to increased safety precautions at Jacob Wismer, we are no longer allowing parents/guardians to eat lunch with their child or volunteer in our cafeteria. The large number of adults that have routinely come into our cafeteria makes it too difficult to adequately monitor/identify legitimate from non-legitimate visitors while supervising and assisting students with their lunch. Parents are welcome to check out their child in the office and take them off-campus for lunch.
Meal Etiquette
Health department regulations stipulate that students should wash or sanitize their hands before eating and are not allowed to share any portion of their meals. Students are expected to clean up after themselves, return trays to the proper location, recycle appropriate items and dispose of garbage in the waste.
Lunches from Home
Students are always welcome to bring nutritious lunches from home. Students should not bring sodas or high energy drinks.
New policy: Parents who bring late lunches need to bring the lunch to the school office. Students will be contacted to get their lunch after recess. Parents should not go to the cafeteria or their child's classroom to bring them their lunch.
As part of our Green/Merit School commitment, we encourage students to use reusable and/or recyclable containers whenever possible.
Lunch Accounts
Beaverton School District is committed to providing you with the information and convenience you need to manage your student’s nutritional decisions and school meal account.
SchoolCafé is an on-line payment system that is linked to your student's cafeteria. Parents can register for a free SchoolCafe account on the SchoolCafe website. You will need to have your student's 6-digit district ID to do so, which you can get by contacting the school. Payments made are usually credited to a student's account within 2 hours, but may take up to 24 hours, so it's best to make payments at least one day in advance.
Once you have registered for a new SchoolCafé account, you can do the following at no charge:
- Create a free, secured account to manage all of your students' meal accounts.
- Check your student's current account balance at any time.
- Monitor the items your student has been purchasing in the cafeteria.
- Create settings to receive email notifications when the account reaches a low balance.
- Create settings to automatically replenish your student's account when it reaches a low balance.
There is a $20.00 minimum deposit and 5% service fee for deposits made on SchoolCafé.
Parents may deposit money into their student’s account by any of the following methods:
- Send cash or a check made out to: Jacob Wismer School. When making a payment, please indicate your student’s first and last name along with his/her student ID# on the memo line of the check, or insert cash in an envelope with the your student’s first and last name and student ID# on the sealed envelope.
- Payments can be deposited in the lunch money box outside the school office or in the box by the entrance to the cafeteria, however, it is possible the payment may not be applied prior to the next meal. It’s best to deliver the payments directly to Nutrition Services staff in the cafeteria so that the payments can be applied before the next meal.
Hot Lunch Procedure
Students who purchase hot lunch will enter their student ID number after they select their entrees, salad bar items and beverage. A cafeteria worker will assist students if they forget their ID number. The amount will be deducted from the student’s lunch account. The cafeteria worker will see a photograph of the student when he/she enters their ID number to ensure that the correct account is being charged.
Medical & Dental Appointments
Students who need to be picked up early for medical or dental appointments are to be signed out at the office and office staff will call down to the classroom to release the student. The student will come to the office to meet their parent/guardian. Parents/guardians are not to go to the classrooms.
Medication Information for Parents
For ALL medications, prescription and nonprescription:
1. The medication must be in the original container. For prescription medication, the medication must be in the prescription bottle. The label must have the child's name, name of the medication, route of administration, dose amount to be given at school, frequency/time of administration and the physician's name. For nonprescription medication, the medication must be in the original container (no baggies, foil, etc.) and labeled with the child's name.
2. The medication must be transported to and from school by the parent or guardian of the child. Students are not allowed to carry or administer any prescription or over-the-counter medication.
3. Necessary paperwork is completed by the parent or guardian. (All medication forms can be obtained in the school office or on the district website.)
4. Adequate amount of medication is to be provided by the parent or guardian.
5. All changes in instructions must be in writing and cannot be accepted verbally.
7. All medication must be picked up at the end of each school year or they will be discarded.
9. Medication forms must be updated each school year.
The Jacob Wismer Journal (parent newsletter) will be posted on our website every other Monday with the exception of winter, spring and summer breaks. Those who desire a hard copy of the Journal should contact the school office since schoolwide hard copy distribution has been eliminated to save paper and funds. A current copy of the Journal will be posted on the community bulletin board outside the main office.
The PTO sends electronic emails to JW families called the PTO E-Blast every other Monday to communicate PTO activities and news.
Jacob Wismer staff members have e-mail, voicemail boxes, websites and classroom newsletters. Staff members will be happy to share that information with you. Parents are encouraged to use voicemail or email during the school day for non-emergency messages to avoid disrupting classroom instruction.
Jacob Wismer’s school nurse is Hunter Rudd. If you have a health concern such as food allergies or other questions regarding your child, please inform the school secretary and a decision will be made either to contact the nurse immediately or to make a referral. A school nurse visits our school approximately two hours per week but is available by phone or email at
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The Jacob Wismer Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer parent/teacher/community organization that exists to promote and enhance the educational opportunities for students at Jacob Wismer and to help develop a sense of community. The principal and assistant principal serve as non-voting members. All Jacob Wismer parents/guardians and teachers are automatically members of the PTO. Meetings are held monthly and all interested members are encouraged to attend. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the principal, assistant principal, school secretary or any member of the PTO Executive Board.
PTO Website
Parking Lot Procedures
Drop Off & Pick-Up Guidelines
For safety and efficiency, we ask all drivers to observe the following rules when dropping off or picking up their children:
- Do not arrive before 8:15 a.m.
- Do not drop children off in street.
- Proceed as directed by the arrows shown in the above diagram
- Drivers must remain in vehicles
- Unload/load ONLY along the curb.
- Pull as far forward as possible (do not leave gaps between cars)
- ALWAYS use crosswalks
- Cars should form a single line and not pass.
- Drive slowly and cautiously.
- Turn car engines off when waiting.
School Board Policy allows for three parties a year of one hour duration. The last hour of the day will be set aside for this activity. Fifth graders will have a send off party during the last week of school before they move on to middle school. These parties will be planned by teachers and parent room party volunteers who have cleared the District background check.
School policy requires that all food for parties be store bought. Hard candy is not allowed, as it poses a potential choking hazard. At the beginning of the year, money may be collected from each student to help cover room party expenses. Our PTO also provide funds for classroom parties.
Physical Education (PE)
The Physical Education program is designed to strengthen individual physical fitness and develop skills necessary for the enjoyment of lifelong recreational activities. It is not intended to be a competitive program for individual goals. All children are expected to participate in P.E. activities. Children who are to be excused from an activity must have a note from a parent. The excuse should be dated and state the reason why the student is unable to participate. If an illness or injury has occurred, and the period to be excused is longer than one PE session, a note from a doctor is required. When a student has been excused from PE for an extended period of time due to a serious injury, a doctor’s note is also required for resuming participation in PE. Please note: If a child uses an inhaler for any reason outside of school, one should also be stored in the office for possible emergencies. Please contact the school office to make these arrangements.
PE Clothing
Children in all grade levels are expected to dress appropriately for PE days. All children must wear soft soled shoes that will not mark the floor. Tennis shoes are highly recommended. In addition, depending on the activity, the student may be asked to sit out if proper footwear is not worn. Examples of improper footwear include, but are not limited to, sandals, flip-flops, Crocs, Keens, slip-on shoes with no means to tighten them, boots, high heels, open toe, or open heel shoes. It is suggested that girls wear long pants or shorts on PE days. Clothing needs to be loose enough so that students can move comfortably. Students are not required to dress down for PE class. Each classroom teacher will communicate their schedule for PE to parents. There is also a calendar on the Jacob Wismer PE website that says which classes have PE each day.
Sports Shoe Reminder
We urge your caution in the purchase of shoes. Some types of shoes, either athletic or boot type, with black or dark colored soles, cause black marks on tile floors. Children will be asked to wear non-marking footwear when in the tiled area of the school such as the gym or cafeteria. Special purchases for P.E. are not necessary. Usually, the tennis shoes purchased for everyday wear can also be worn for P.E.
Picking Up a Child Early
For security reasons, parents must come into the office to pick up their child when leaving early due to illness or an appointment. Our secretaries will call the child’s classroom to send him/her to the office. The parent must sign their child out in our sign-out book. Parents are not to pick up their child in their classroom directly. Students will not be allowed to wait out in front of the school for their parents. A child is never sent home from school during the day without specific parental permission.
All community members are welcome to use the grounds when school is not in session including weekends, holidays or after 4:00 p.m. on school days as long as the grounds are not reserved through SchoolDude/Facilities Dept. After school, students may not return to the playground until after 4:00 p.m. (after they first go home or to daycare).
Remember: The school does not provide supervision on our playground before or after school.
Report Cards
Report cards are sent home with students twice a year. Parents can also access their child's report card on ParentVUE.
Report cards will not be sent home early if a family is out of town on the day the report card is scheduled to go home. Families can get the report card when they return or look on Parent Vue.
Safety (Standard Response Protocol)
Student Safety - Standard Response Protocol
Creating a safe school climate for our students is a priority. A critical ingredient in creating a safe school environment is classroom response to an incident at school. Weather events, fire, accidents, intruders and other threats to student safety are scenarios that are planned and trained for by students, teachers, staff and administration, in partnership with our first responders.
The Beaverton School District in collaboration with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO), Beaverton Police (BPD) and Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue (TVFR) has implemented the Standard Response Protocol (SRP).
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
The SRP is not based on one individual possible scenario but on the response to any given scenario. One large benefit of the SRP is the standard language used by all responders; this includes students, parents, staff and first responders. The protocol also allows for a predictable series of actions as an event unfolds.
The SRP is based upon four actions: Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuate and Shelter. Each has specific staff and student directives that are unique to the action.
Lockdown & Lockout Drills
Periodically, Jacob Wismer will have lockdown and lockout drills so our staff and students are aware of the correct procedures and respond quickly and efficiently for the safety of our students. The purpose of the drills is to make students and staff aware of what to do if there ever was a need to keep students safe from an intruder inside or outside of the school. Prior to the drill, teachers will review and practice procedures with students.
Fire & Earthquake Drills
Once a month, Jacob Wismer School will conduct a fire drill using the fire alarm. Prior to the first drill in September, students will be instructed on fire drill evacuation procedures. A district-wide earthquake drill will be held twice per school year. The students will practice earthquake drill procedures. An earthquake drill announcement will be made over the school intercom: “This is an earthquake drill, seek shelter, duck, cover and hold on.” All school visitors must comply with drill and evacuation procedures.
Smoke-Free Environment
Special Education Services
Learning Disabilities Program/Resource Room
This program serves students with normal intelligence who are performing significantly below expected levels of achievement in academic areas. Using multi-sensory techniques in combination with a meaning-centered approach, the program is tailored to the needs of the individual student. The Learning Disabilities Specialist works closely with both the classroom teacher and the parents. Annual assessment results are shared, as is the development of an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Resource Room Teacher: Lisa Caverly
Speech Language Services
This program provides services to students with communication disorders. The range of communication problems includes speech (articulation, stuttering, voice), hearing impairments and language-learning disorders. The speech-language pathologist identifies specific problems at the request of the parent and/or teacher, develops individualized plans, provides ongoing service and consults with parents and teachers.
Speech Language Pathologist: Amy Curran
School Psychologist
The School Psychologist administers tests, consults with parents and teachers, and helps identify students needing special education services. A school psychologist is at Jacob Wismer part-time and is available by referral without charge.
School Psychologist: Allizon Bieker
Jacob Wismer has six specials: technology/media, two music, and two PE classes.
Students in grades 1-5 and kindergarten will rotate between each special on different days.
On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: PE and music specials are 45 minutes and technology/media is 60 minutes.
Classroom teachers will provide parents with a specials rotation schedule for their class.
Student Visitors (non-Jacob Wismer students)
Occasionally you have friends or relatives staying with you during times when school is in session. Our policy regarding friends and relatives visiting school is as follows:
Students not attending Jacob Wismer School will not be allowed to visit during school hours.
Other districts may have different calendars and sometimes numerous visiting “cousins”, etc. wish to attend during their vacation time. This often presents additional burdens to the teachers and the school. Due to our large enrollment, we cannot allow student visitors.
Talented and Gifted Program (TAG)
Eligibility requirements for TAG can be found on the Beaverton School District's Talented and Gifted webpage.
Classroom teachers are responsible for providing instruction at the correct rate and level for identified gifted students. TAG Specialists are available at the District level as resource consultants. Testing for TAG is conducted once a year. Referral for testing can be made by teachers and/or parents. If parents thinks their child might qualify, they may wish to complete the Parent Information Form during the annual initial identification period which will be communicated to families in the fall via our parent newsletter.
Completing the Parent Information Form gives the school TAG committee more information about the child, but is not required as potentially qualified students, as identified by their teacher, will be considered regardless of its completion.
Toys from Home
A student’s own toys are to be left at home, except for a specific purpose, such as sharing time with teacher permission. Toys include all trading cards, walkmans, personal CD players, iPods, and other electronic play devices. Items to be shared should be brought to school in paper sacks or backpacks. We suggest students bring sharing items other than toys. Ideas might include: books, awards, art work or home projects. Cap guns, water guns or look-alike weapons are not to be brought to school and can result in disciplinary consequences including suspension.
Valuables at School
Jacob Wismer is an open school with classroom doors that are often open during the school day. This makes it impossible to lock up or secure valuable items. As a result, we ask that students not bring any valuables to school. The school cannot be responsible or replace personal possessions lost by students. In addition, such possessions disrupt the educational process and therefore are not appropriate to have at school.
We ask that parents turn off or set their cell phones to vibrate when they are at school and to move cell phone conversations away from student areas to avoid interrupting classroom instruction and disrupting the educational process.
Students may bring cell phones to school for safety reasons, however, the cell phones must remain off, in their backpacks and used only for emergencies or to contact their parents before/after school if necessary. Cell phones will be stored in the office for students who text or call without permission from staff.
Volunteering is highly encouraged and very much appreciated at Jacob Wismer. A Volunteer Handbook and sign up sheet is included in the first day of school packet. Parents may use it as a resource for their volunteer involvement during the school year. This handbook outlines the numerous volunteer opportunities and the estimated time commitment. If you need additional information or clarification on any volunteer opportunity, please contact one of the PTO Volunteer Coordinators and/or go to the Jacob Wismer PTO webpage at Be sure to complete and return the Volunteer Interest Form that is in the Volunteer Handbook. Jacob Wismer houses a unique room just for its parent volunteers.
ALL volunteers, including Beaverton School District employees, must CLEAR a background check BEFORE they can volunteer. Volunteers can initiate the background check by completing the online form at on the Beaverton School District Volunteer webpage. Allow a minimum 2-3 weeks. A PTO representative will contact you when your background check has cleared and will give you instructions for obtaining the required volunteer badge that you will need to wear while you volunteer at Jacob Wismer.
Volunteer Guidelines
Please note: We no longer have volunteers in our cafeteria or playground. Volunteers can work in classroom and at PTO events.
- Do not bring a younger sibling with you when you are scheduled to volunteer.
- Do sign in at the front office (required).
- Do wear your volunteer name badge that will be given to you when your background check has cleared (required).
- Do arrive on time for your volunteer activities.
- Do call ahead if you are unable to volunteer at your specific day and time.
- Do remember that volunteers are not allowed on the playground or fields during recess unless it the volunteer is helping at our Jogathon or Field Day.
- Do maintain a professional attitude towards your volunteer activities.
- Do become familiar with classroom policies and practices.
- Do schedule a separate conference time with your child’s teacher to discuss questions or concerns you might have regarding your individual student.
- Do be respectful of staff planning and teaching time.
- Do maintain a high level of confidentiality.
- Do take pride in your volunteer activities.
- Do be respectful of teachers’ personal workspaces and the confidentiality of the materials in their classrooms.
- Do leave your cellphone at home (if you must carry a cellphone for emergencies, please be respectful and take phone conversations outside the school building and set ringer on vibrate.)
- Do keep your personal opinions about others to yourself.
- Do refrain from socializing with other volunteers during your volunteer time in the classroom or pods.
- Do remember the staff and volunteers at Jacob Wismer are working together to educate our children.
When working with students remember:
- Smile and be friendly.
- Learn students’ names and use them often.
- Listen to students; let them ask questions and search for answers.
- Accept students as individuals.
- Be patient.
- Refer any disciplinary concerns to the teacher.
When working in the workroom remember:
- Always allow school staff priority on all equipment.
- For safety reasons, please do not allow younger siblings to operate any of the workroom equipment.
- To leave the workroom areas clean and orderly.
- Plan to attend a workroom training session. The front office staff has many responsibilities and are not always available to answer questions or trouble shoot problems with the workroom equipment.
Classroom Coordinator Responsibilities
- Assist classroom teacher in creating an efficient volunteer system for his/her class.
- Work with the classroom teacher to develop and maintain a classroom database of all families with e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
- On an ongoing basis, recruit volunteers for grade level, school-wide and PTO events and activities.
- As needed, provide key communication to the parents in your classroom.
- Recruit parent volunteers to assist with party planning, art literacy, passport club, etc.
- Remain flexible – each classroom teacher will have different expectations and needs.
Volunteer Background Checks
Volunteer Management System
The Beaverton School District uses a volunteer management system called (mVP). The software is designed to improve security within the district by incorporating volunteer background checks into its volunteer application process. This will require all volunteers and visitors in the Beaverton School District, to apply for a profile in mVP. EVERYONE who would like to volunteer and eat lunch with their child will need to do a new background check as part of this new system, regardless if you’ve done one recently.
Volunteer Application
- Make sure to create a username you can remember. You will need to enter your username and password every time you log into the system and every time you log in at school.
- Fill out the About You section with the required fields.
- Please make sure to list Jacob Wismer as your school and add your child’s grade into your information. This will ensure you get all the class specific info/mailings as well as the schoolwide information
- Once your background check is complete, you will receive an email with your approval status and your volunteer profile at will be active. Each approved volunteer will have their own profile and need to login individually to sign up for volunteer opportunities.
- IMPORTANT: Make your username easy to remember. If it makes things simpler, you can use your email address as a username. The website has a function for resetting passwords by email, but there isn’t an online function to help with a forgotten username.
A key reason we are asking all parents/volunteers to set up profiles early is to avoid a rush and mitigate any confusion at the start of the 2018-19 school year. Since every person who enters Jacob Wismer School is required to have a MyVolunteer approved profile before they volunteer at an event, we would like to get everyone set up early. We appreciate all that our parents and volunteers do for Jacob Wismer and hope to make this transition as seamless as possible. Thank you!
Any questions, please contact a PTO volunteer coordinator at
Weapons and Look-Alike Weapons
Any object that has the potential of being used as a weapon is not allowed at school. Toy, plastic or fake weapons are also not allowed and will result in discipline according to the district guidelines (see the BSD Student Family Handbook).
Possession of, threatening to use, or actually using a weapon or simulated weapon, explosives, firecrackers, or other items capable of producing bodily harm is prohibited. Materials or devices that can be readily assembled to create explosives or dangerous weapons, or any materials or devices that have the potential of endangering the safety of others, are also prohibited.
Often young children like to bring items that would be considered weapons for show and tell or to use as part of a project. Due to the potential problem of these items getting into other students’ hands who might not use good judgment, we ask that these items not be brought to school for any purpose. Things that might fit into this category are pocket knives, BB guns, etc.
Violation of school rules regarding weapons or explosive materials may result in suspension and/or expulsion.